Spatial Abilities - Räumliches Denken spielerisch trainieren
Spatial thinking can be improved through targeted practice. While corresponding training methods have so far been taught using exercise books, for example, Spatial Abilities aims to develop interactive, virtual and three-dimensional training software within the framework of a video game.
This game-based virtual environment will contain exercises that build on each other, train and playfully improve various aspects of spatial thinking and make individual progress measurable and comparable. The software tool will be available as a tablet, desktop and virtual reality application.
We believe that this development is highly relevant as it trains the skills required to study STEM subjects. In this way, disadvantages can be eliminated and equal opportunities created in degree programmes. In the context of advancing digitalisation, which can be seen in the virtualisation of work and entertainment environments, in the "metaverse", in "e-banking" and "e-sports" etc., the tool can become an important aid in training the use of virtual worlds and overcoming barriers.