
Prof. Dr. Anna Lisa Martin-Niedecken is a new member of the SNSF …

ZHdK Research looks back on a successful year

DIZH Structure Call: Two ZHdK successes

Two new projects for the Digital Health Design Living Lab

Swiss Design Network Symposium: Design Research

Anna Lisa Martin-Niedecken has been appointed as the new …

Health we go!

"We need to rethink our relationship with energy"

Showcase and Panel “Renovating Buildings, Yes! But How?”

Highlights from the ZHdK 2023 Research Report

Net-zero visions of the future
Five ZHdK successes on the third Project Call of the DIZH …

IceAgeCam research project opens at Felsenegg

The new Zett is out!

Presentation of the project results at the Colloquium Junior …

Video documentation of the serious & applied Game «Spatial …

Successful ZHdK Researchers

The ZHdK spin-off “Somebodyelse” on RTS

Funded projects in the Junior Research in Design programme 2023

“Design Prize Switzerland” goes to two ZHdK projects

Digital Health Design Challenge 2023 - Healthathon «Decision Making in Healthcare»

The research project “Project CH+” offers support during the …

ZHdK design projects nominated for the “Design Preis Schweiz” …

New website “Jeansdinge” is online

New energy for old buildings

ZHdK Research Report 2022

Inclusive Design: Project Circleg at the Milano Design Week 2023 …

How the arts do research: “Research Day” at the ZHdK

Exhibition «Game Design Today»
![[Translate to English:] Publication]( 400w, 800w, 1280w, 1920w)
Funding for two innovative publication projects

Colloquium: Junior Research in Design
ZHdK Startup Finder

Digital and online: The St. Gallen Globe

Publication: "Give Us a Break! Arbeitermilieu und Designszene im …

New Junior Research in Design projects
![[Translate to English:] «Track-track: Let’s follow the cat!»]( 400w, 800w, 1280w, 1920w)
«Track-track: Let’s follow the cat!» received Best Demo …

Funding for the "Digital Health Design Living Lab"

Annual Research Report 2021

Project Circleg at TEDxDornbirn

Research Publication among the Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2022
Open Call - SDN Conference "Counterparts: Exploring Design Beyond …

Exhibition «Planet Digital»

Nomination for the "Hall of Fame Award" at the Women in Games …
![[Translate to English:] Cover: «Narrative Mechanics. Strategies and Meanings in Games and Real Life»]( 400w, 800w, 1280w, 1920w)
New publication: «Narrative Mechanics. Strategies and Meanings …
New Projects in the Junior Research in Design Programme
![[Translate to English:] Forschungsbericht 2020]( 400w, 800w, 1280w, 1920w)
The Annual Research Report 2020 is online

New publication: «Bally - A History of Footwear in the Interwar …
![[Translate to English:] Book cover: Design Struggles - Intersecting Histories, Pedagogies, and Perspectives]( 400w, 800w, 1280w, 1920w)
New release: Design Struggles - Intersecting Histories, …
![[Translate to English:] Die neue Geschäftsleiterin des IDE: Anna Lisa Martin-Niedecken]( 400w, 800w, 1280w, 1920w)
New Head of Institute for Design Research
![[Translate to English:] © Paul Schenck]( 400w, 800w, 1280w, 1920w)
Innovativer Falling Walls-Lab Wettbewerb an der Winterthurer …

Falling Walls Lab-Wettbewerb mit zwei Designprojekten ||  …
Call: ZKB Pionierpreis 2020 || Eingabe bis 22.09.2019

Die ZHdK am Digitaltag 2019
Call: Fördermodell Design von Pro Helvetia
Call for Projects: SBB Sandbox
ZHdK-Projekte an der Scientifica 2019

Open Call: Falling Walls Lab-Wettbewerb
Ausschreibung: First Ventures – Gebert Rüf Stiftung, Deadline: …
![[Translate to English:] © Sphery AG, ExerCube]( 400w, 800w, 1280w, 1920w)
Start-up-Preis für Sphery
![[Translate to English:] In der Ausstellung «Expedition 2 Grad» können virtuelle Szenarien der künftigen Gletscher von einer sicheren Plattform aus betrachtet werden. Bild: © ZHdK]( 400w, 800w, 1280w, 1920w)
Die Folgen des Klimawandels virtuell erleben

Sphery zu Gast an der FIBO und Eröffnung des Headquarters am …

«Orobates» in Nature

Ausschreibung: Pro Helvetia fördert innovative Designprojekte

Zwei Beiträge zum Game Testing “Brain Runners”
Sphery auf Startupticker
Ausschreibung Falling Walls Lab Wettbewerb 2018
The Jury behind Switzerland’s next 100 Digital Shapers
Market Entry Bootcamp
Sie mischt mit Games die Fitnessbranche auf

Scewo AG gewinnt ZKB Pionierpreis TECHNOPARK® 20
Digitaltag 2018 Save the Date
Public Symposium Swiss Graphic Design and Typography Revisited
Ausschreibung IDE Nachwuchsforscher-Programm 2018

Live Concert in Virtual Reality – Games in Concert
Neuer Call von digitalswitzerland: Startup Bootcamps

Digitaltag ZHdK 2017 Rückblick
ICTswitzerland – Frauen stärken die Informatik!
Digitaltag ZHdK 2017 Trailer

Digitaltag der ZHdK – 21.11.2017

Falling Walls Lab 2017 Zürich
Epistemische Bilder
Die ZHdK an der Scientifica 2017
![[Translate to English:] ©SABRE,]( 400w, 800w, 1280w, 1920w)
SABRE Multisensor

Stütze und Last. Wechselseitige Einflüsse zwischen Architektur …

Virtual Reality-Hochschulworkshop

Ideation-Workshop mit Sennheiser

Expanding Immersive Design – Konferenz