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Research Video

Annotated videos as a new standard of publishing practice-based and artistic research

RESEARCH VIDEO offers a solution for the publication of performative knowledge, a fundamental problem in artistic research in the performing arts and corresponding fields (in the following we will use the term artistic research as an umbrella term for a number of related terms like practice-based research, practice led research, art as research a.o.). It aims to set a new standard that suits both the needs of the academic and the artistic communities, to provide a theoretical framework for enriched publications and to optimize a video-tool for the presentation of practice-based knowledge. Our main focus will be on the temporal arts (theater, dance and performance), but we will also generate a use-case in visual anthropology to facilitate transfer to other disciplines and a broader impact. In the artistic research community, the problems of publication have been debated for several years with a growing consensus, that some academic conventions are applicable, in particular the criteria of citability, sharability and challengeability. So a theoretical framework is emerging, but needs to be concretized. On a practical side, video technology provides new possibilities for exposing performative knowledge. In the academic field, video annotation constitutes a key technology generating study materials for various fields in which digital annotation tools now support documentation, data-aquisition and data-analysis of behavioral studies in Psychology, Social sciences and Ethnography. However, these tools and procedures of annotation have not been optimized for publication. So a specialized tool is needed as well as a theoretical framework.

> Clip on Research Project

Project Lead:
Martin Zimper, Cast Audio Visual Media
Gunter Lösel, Institute for the Performing Arts and Film

Eric Andreae, Cast Audio Visual Media
Léa Klaue, PhD, Cast Audio Visual Media
Martin Grödl, Institute for the Performing Arts and Film
Marisa Godoy, Institute for the Performing Arts and Film
Morits Resl, Institute for the Performing Arts and Film

Research Catalogue
Medienarchiv der Künste ZHdK
Informationstechnologie-Zentrum ZHdK

01.05.2017 - 30.04.2021

Schweizerischer Nationalfonds SNF

Research Video