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Playfully train writing motor skills

Development of a serious game to support writing difficulties

Development of a serious game to support writing difficulties

Writing difficulties are one of the most common learning disorders among school children and affect participation in school. Writing difficulties can lead to emotional frustration and lowered self-esteem, as well as prevent children from showing what they know in school. These issues clearly show that there is a need for interventions to improve writing skills. However, motivating children to participate in regular training sessions is challenging and often limits the effectiveness of existing training programs. To address this problem, Serious Educational Games offer a promising approach.

The project team has developed a prototype of a serious game to train writing difficulties and has already tested its functionality and acceptance with children. The game is to be further developed in order to test the effectiveness of the training in a pilot study.

Ulrich Götz, ZHdK, Game Design
Frank Wieber, ZHAW, Gesundheit

Team ZHdK:
Ava Thalheim, Game Design

Team ZHAW:
Annina Zysset, Gesundheit
Brigitte Gantschnig, Gesundheit
Christian Schulze, Gesundheit

01.01.2021 - 31.01.2023

DIZH Digitalisierungsinitiative der Zürcher Hochschulen
Rapid Action Call

Playfully train writing motor skills
Playfully train writing motor skills
Prototyp Game «HAAL»
Prototyp Game «HAAL»