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Steigerung der Lebensqualität in stationären Pflegeeinrichtungen durch die Gestaltung der olfaktorischen Umgebung

Odors and the emotional sensations they trigger can be very intimate in nature, making communication about them challenging. In the context of retirement and care centers, the issue is well known but rarely the subject of serious discussion or scientific research. This circumstance contrasts with the importance of the olfactory dimension for our well-being and coexistence.

Odors and the emotional sensations they trigger can be very intimate in nature, making communication about them challenging. In the context of retirement and care centers, the issue is well known but rarely the subject of serious discussion or scientific research. This circumstance contrasts with the importance of the olfactory dimension for our well-being and coexistence. The oHealth project addresses the olfactory dimension in the living environment of retirement and nursing homes and aims to contribute to the well-being of residents, staff and visitors.

The project has three main objectives. Firstly, knowledge about the significance of odors for subjective well-being is to be conveyed. Secondly, the task is to develop, implement and evaluate low-threshold interventions for dealing with olfactory perceptions in homes. The third objective is to disseminate the findings thus obtained on the effectiveness of the interventions to interested old-age and nursing homes and professionals. For example, information and project results will be presented on film. All materials will be made available centrally to interested users on the project website. The newsletter and the social media channels of the Age Foundation will each refer to the corresponding communication activities.

The two-year research project oHealth was developed and set up as part of the Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK's Young Researchers Award and funded by the Age Foundation. It is being implemented in collaboration with three pilot supporting organizations: the retirement center Haus Tabea (Horgen), the retirement center Tertianum Letzipark (Zurich) and the health centers for the elderly in the city of Zurich.

Project Lead:
Priscille Jotzu, Trends & Identity
Stefan Zahler, Industrial Design

Project Mentoring:
Prof. Bitten Stetter
Dr. phil. Francis Müller
Prof. Nicole Kind

Alterszentrum Haus Tabea
Alterszentrum Tertianum Letzipark
Goodair AG
Pflegezentren der Stadt Zürich

01.04.2021 – 31.12.2022

Age Stiftung (01.02.2021 – 31.10.2022)
