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LINA: Shared Large-scale Infrastructure for the Development and Safe Testing of Autonomous Systems

LINA provides the operational basis of a real and virtual infrastructure for research, development and safe testing of autonomous systems in the canton of Zurich in an internationally unique test setup. The LINA Hub is the place where international experts from science and industry gather to shape the future in an interdisciplinary way and to educate society about the civilian applications of autonomous systems.

The LINA consortium was founded to realise this vision. It consists of three DIZH institutions: the Zurich University of Applied Sciences with the Center for Aviation (ZHAW/CAV) and the Center for Artificial Intelligence (ZHAW/CAI), the University of Zurich (UZH) and the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). In addition, the LINA consortium is complemented by four types of practice partners: implementation partners, test partners, equipment and service providers, and future user:s who have already committed to using the structure.

The Centre for Research and Development of Autonomous Systems comprises three test arenas: an outdoor digital cage ensuring that UAS can be tracked and safely operated under Light Unmanned Aircraft Operator Certificate (LUC) conditions in the low airspace of Dübendorf and within the confines of the digital cage, an outdoor physical cage with a safety net, an indoor tracking arena with a large-scale, high-precision position tracking system and a wind tunnel facility for autonomous systems research and prototype development. In addition, LINA provides a booking and planning system that is closely aligned with the test arenas, current and future needs and the overall LUC application to ensure the highest level of safety. All stakeholders around the airspace and airfield of Zurich-Dübendorf – in particular the Swiss Air Force, REGA and blue light organisations – as well as the Federal Office of Civil Aviation FOCA and other regulatory authorities are closely involved in the development of the booking and flight planning system.

LINA enables cooperation between different actors and promotes public education and awareness of the benefits of autonomous systems.

ZHdK Researchers:
Max Rheiner, Interaction Design

ZHAW Researchers:
Michel Guillaume, School of Engineering, Zentrum für Aviatik
Thilo Stadelmann, School of Engineering, Centre for Artificial Intelligence

UZH Researchers:
Davide Scaramuzza, Institut für Informatik

Academic partner:
Marco Hutter, ETHZ Robotics Systems Lab
Roland Siegwart, ETHZ Autonomous Systems Lab
Marc Pollefeys, ETHZ Computer Vision and Geometry Lab
Dario Floreano, EPFL Laboratory of Intelligent Systems

Robert Fraefel, Skyguide
Patrick Heiz, Matternet Operations GmbH
Tom Rehwinkel, Matternet Operations GmbH

Air Force Center
Axalp Technologies AG
Daedalean AG
Dufour Aerospace AG
F&P Robotics AG
Flybotix SA
Hexagon Geosystems
Innovationspark Dübendorf
Swiss Autonomous Valley
Swiss Drones Operating AG
Swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation
Verity AG
Voliro AG
Volkswirtschaftsdirektion des Kantons Zürich, Amt für Wirtschaft und Arbeit
WindShape SA
Wingtra AG

2022 – 2027

DIZH Digitalisierungsinitiative der Zürcher Hochschulen Struktur Call

To the project website

LINA: Shared Large-scale Infrastructure for the Development and Safe Testing of Autonomous Systems