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Prof. Niklaus Heeb

Prof. Niklaus Heeb

Subject Area Knowledge Visualization

Niklaus Heeb is head of the Knowledge Visualisation Department. Within the department, he is responsible for the Master's programme and research, and is a lecturer in the Bachelor's and Master's programmes in Knowledge Visualisation.

As Delegate for Sustainability, he represents the Department of Design in the ZHdK's Sustainability Dossier Commission and was previously a long-standing member of the ZHdK's Research Commission.

Niklaus Heeb is a qualified scientific illustrator (HGKZ) and biologist (Unibas). He studied integrative biology at the University of Basel, where he graduated in 2002, specialising in anthropology, primatology and behavioural research.

As a teacher and researcher, Niklaus Heeb is responsible for the conception and implementation of numerous research and development projects in the field of knowledge transfer to the general public - scientainment. Another field of activity is teaching and research projects in the area of science-to-science, which investigate image-based research processes and visualisation tools in interdisciplinary teams in cooperation with university partners, with the aim of gaining new insights and developing innovative tools for generating and communicating knowledge