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The Jury behind Switzerland’s next 100 Digital Shapers

100 Digital Shapers
In cooperation with Bilanz, digitalswitzerland is looking again for the 100 people who push forward Switzerland as a leading digital innovation hub. Either by founding promising startups or initiatives, by using digital technologies for their art, research or for a greater vision: to make the world, or at best Switzerland, a better place.
The new edition 100 Digital Shapers 2018 will be published on 27 July 2018.

12 Jury members on a mission
Behind curtains, heads are smoking. Even in our mall country, the number of visionaries, doers and thinkers is astonishingly high. We have compiled a jury that brings all the expertise and knowledge to the table, to make the right choice. Let us introduce in this blogpost the 12 jury members who will appoint the country’s next 100 Digital Shapers.

Read the full blogpost online on