IceAgeCam research project opens at Felsenegg
The IceAgeCam was developed by an interdisciplinary team consisting of researchers from the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and the Universities of Zurich (UZH) and Lausanne (UniL).
The aim of the IceAgeCam is to make complex issues of climate change interactively accessible through a low-threshold experience. The IceAgeCam aims to dispel misconceptions about climate change and make it accessible in a playful way. Interaction with the IceAgeCam compares the extreme increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations caused by human activity with the natural climate variability of glacial cycles over the last million years.
At the opening, experts from the fields of science, design and communication will be available for questions and discussion.
Tuesday, March 26, 4.30 pm (with Apéro)
Restaurant Felsenegg, Stallikon, Zurich
Registration is not compulsory, but will help with planning.