VRpsyched –Comparison of character animation qualities and their impact on storytelling in VR
Research set-up project
Sacha Schwarz, Alumna BA 23, Cast/Audivisual Media, Health Design
Psychedelic therapy may soon become the norm. But what makes psychedelic experiences so impactful, and how will we integrate them into our society? The interactive VR documentary film, VRpsyched, immerses viewers in the experiences of three individuals who underwent transformative experiences with psychedelics—attempting to make the indescribable perceptible.
Similar to psychedelic research, VR productions are still relatively uncharted territory. There are few established 'best practices' and minimal stylistic elements that audiences are accustomed to. This allows for a multitude of new ideas but also poses numerous challenges in ultimately creating a product that serves its purpose. This project aims to identify some of these challenges, find solutions, and incorporate them into this film.
Psychedelics alter perception to such an extent that experiences under their influence often cannot be satisfactorily recalled. Virtual Reality (VR) can, like psychedelics, trick the brain and create a world to immerse oneself in. One might be aware that this world isn't real, but the impressions don't lose their intensity. Moreover, under the influence of psychedelics, focus often expands, removing a distinct center of attention. In a conventional film, the focus is predetermined, whereas in VR, one can choose what to focus on since things can happen everywhere. This combination of features, in my opinion, currently makes VR the ideal tool to visually represent psychedelic experiences.