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Virtual autopsy room

An immersive learning environment for the forensic obduction

The long-term goal of this project is to embed the forensic autopsy technique in a virtualized didactic environment so that residents in further training (specialist in forensic medicine or pathology) can virtually train and test the cutting techniques and the necessary procedures.
The project investigates the state of the art of VR applications in the medical field. Special attention will be paid to the user experience, visual design of the virtual world and the didactic preparation. These investigations should make it possible to find a well-founded and practical research gap and question.

With this setup project three investigations became possible: An observation of a forensic medical autopsy, discussions and demonstration of three companies in the VR & medical field and a first review and preparation of the 3D data. Through the assistance of an autopsy it was able to determine which aspects could be interesting for a transfer to the virtual world (e.g. design didactic considerations on virtual sectioning and angles, depth on organs - Haptic feedback. Handling of organs: specific hand movements, examinations, documentation and assessment of anomalies.
Within this project it was able to link up with three leading companies in the field of VR and medicine: Medical Holodeck, Pixelmolkerei and VirtaMed. Not only were we thus able to gain insight into state of the art, it was able to gain important partners for teaching. Additionally, a joint application for third-party funding could be entered. Through the insight into the latest technology, it was possible to exclude certain research projects. E.g. developing a virtual prototype for incision guidance, since this technology already exists in application.

Which design/interactive/didactic aspects have to be taken into account for a virtual sectioning of an organ (e.g. liver)?
Which design/interactive/didactic aspects have to be taken into account for a virtual sectioning of an organ (e.g. liver)?
Data preparation for virtual mediation - from photogrammetry to interactive 3D model
Data preparation for virtual mediation - from photogrammetry to interactive 3D model
Virtual autopsy room