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Swiss Game Design History

Explorative Game Design Archive for Swiss Videogames from 1984 to 1999

The Swiss Game Design History website aims to provide the public and researchers with an easy and clear access to Swiss game design history. The goal of the website is not only to provide facts and information about Swiss game productions, but also to break down the network of game designers working at that time and to present game design processes of the 80s and 90s.

The Swiss Game Design History project is concerned with collecting, categorizing and presenting data related to Swiss games from the 80s and 90s. The main focus lies on data visualization and navigation of the potential Swiss Game Design History website.
Furthermore, the ecosystem of Swiss game design during this time will be investigated. The main focus is to connect the responsible persons, developers and other contributors not only to single productions or games, but also to recurring team constellations, cooperation partners and publishers. By examining the game design network in detail, it may also be possible to make contact with previously unknown developers and ask them about their game design processes.

Swiss Game Design History
Netzwerk der Schweizer Game Designer der 80er/90er Jahren
Netzwerk der Schweizer Game Designer der 80er/90er Jahren