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«Ecology Frictions –A Publication as a Laboratory – Designing Biodiversity and Future Biotopes in the Built Environment»

Start-up financing hybrid publication

Flurina Gradin, Lecturer, Bachelor of Arts in Design

How to design a livable, ecologically valuable city of the future with high biodiversity? The multimedia open access publication Ecology Frictions investigates the increasingly significant intersection of ecology and the design-planning disciplines in urban space through thematic editions (digital and print). The publication format aims to establish and strengthen the critical discourse on the design and aesthetics of biodiversity in the built environment from a transdisciplinary perspective.

The concept of the multimedia and hybrid publication Ecology Frictions builds on a theory seminar on the topic of ecotopia. It focuses on the question of how professionals from the design and planning disciplines can contribute to the design of high-quality urban ecosystems with rich biodiversity.

Ecology Frictions aims to bring together transdisciplinary expertise on the development and visualization of complex ecocultural visions of the future, and to make it widely accessible and negotiable. The publication format defines itself as an open laboratory for critical discourse on the design and aesthetics of ecology and biodiversity in the built environment. The result in practice will be a growing hybrid platform with thematic editions, each combining a selection of visionary essays, scholarly contributions, and real utopias.

Ecology Frictions Webpub, draft: table of content
Ecology Frictions Webpub, draft: table of content
Ecology Frictions Webpub, draft: visionary essay
Ecology Frictions Webpub, draft: visionary essay