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Lukas Franciszkiewicz

Lukas Franciszkiewicz

Fachrichtung Industrial Design

Lukas Franciszkiewicz is a designer, thinker and educator who is interested in blending imaginative, speculative and innovative design approaches to explore the complex interactions between design, technology and the planet.

Currently, he is the Head of Master Major Industrial Design at Zurich University of the Arts. Lukas studied Industrial Design at the Muthesius Academy in Kiel and joined the Design Interactions department at the Royal College of Art in London. After his studies he was part of the founding team of Takram’s first international studio in London, where he was responsible for the design direction and development of a wide range of innovation and design projects. With more than ten years of professional experience, he has worked with international clients such as Sony, Toyota, Google, Swiss Air Lines and the MIT Media Lab to explore future trajectories and develop new concepts, products and services.

Beside his practice-based work Lukas is actively engaged in sharing his approach through teaching as well as facilitating workshops and seminars for international institutions. Being in constant exchange with the next generation of designers also helps him to stay abreast of emerging techniques, tools and relevant topics.